All articles
239 Polariser
Achieving White Light / Additive / Subtractive mixing.
Are LEE Filters self adhesive?
B1 Certificate Lighting filters
Big Stopper - Blue cast?
Broken filters / holders.
Can I duplicate a palette?
Can I narrow the range of colours?
Can I use a polariser & coloured filters together?
Can I use a polariser and ND grad in the filter holder?
Can I use filters on a digital compact?
Can I use my existing screw in polariser with the LEE Filter Holder?
Can I use the LEE system on a Canon 17mm TSE lens?
Can I use the system on my Hasselblad CF 40mm?
Can my scratched Resin Filters be polished?
Can you make filters with two colours (i.e. ND & warm up)?
Can you produce a colour temperature filter as a grad?
China Dealers
Cleaning of the Microfibre Cloth
Do LEE make a filter for infra red photography?
Do LEE make a system for the Zeiss 15mm?
Do LEE make centre ND filters, for wide angle lenses?
Do the bayonet adaptor rings fit the inner or outer bayonet?
Faulty Stoppers / Red lines / Flare.
Field Pouch
Fitting a new LEE100 Holder Filter-Guide Block
Fuji 60mm XF 2.4R
How do I attach my filters to some Perspex / window etc?
How do I calculate colour temperature shift ( mired shift )
How do I clean my Polyester Filters?
How do I clean my Resin Filters?
How do I find out more about the filters?
How do I fine-tune my selection?
How do I rename my palette?
How do I reorder the colours in my palette?
How do I save my palette?
How do I see my colour bigger?
How do I select a colour?
How do I share my palette?
How do I start a new palette?
How do I store LEE resin filters?
How does the Diffusion Finder work?
How does the Gel Comparator work?
How long will my Gel filters last?
How many colours can I add to the palette?
How many filters can I use before the image quality suffers?
How much exposure compensation do I give Grad Filters?
How thick are the gel filters?
How to attach the LEE100 Holder
How to attach the LEE100 Polariser
How to remove the LEE100 Polariser
How wide will the LEE Filter System go without vignetting?
I have an idea to make the app better, or something is not working.
I know what I'm after - how do I add it to my palette?
I use SLR, Medium and Large Format cameras, does LEE have a system that can be used on all three?
I'm seeing lots of palettes I didn't create?
I've changed my mind, how do I delete the colour?
If I had to buy just one filter, which would you recommend?
If I put my filters in front of an high watt lamp will they burn?
Inspiring Professional Book 1 & 2
Is there a Dealer in Canada?
Landscape Polariser
LEE filter iTunes books not available in my country
LEE100 Holder - Adaptor & Filter Compatibility
LEE100 System - Attaching the Polariser to the 105mm Polariser Ring
LEE100 Tandem Adaptor
Life Time Colour Filter - How long will the colour last
Operating the LEE100 Holder locking dial (blue ring)
Polariser ring 105mm - longer screws needed?
Red Darkroom Safelight Filter
Removing the LEE100 Holder Filter-Guide Blocks
Should I use hard or soft grads?
Sigma 105mm f1.4 Art
Sigma 12-24 MkI Mk1 or Mk2 MkII
Solar filters
Sony Alpha cameras - which system.
Stopper not fully light sealed when in LEE100 Holder
SW150 Screw Thread Adaptors
The charts are small, can I make them bigger?
Tokina AT-X 11-20mm F2.8 PRO DX
What are the lighting filters made from?
What are the three primary colours?
What do I need to get started using filters?
What does 0.3, 0.6 etc. mean?
What does the Y value mean?
What filter do I need to convert a xK lamp to a colour temperature of yK?
What filter sizes do LEE make?
What is a blender filter?
What is a stop?
What is the difference between a Linear & Circular polariser?
What is the difference between Resin, Polyester & Glass filters?
What is the heat resistance of lighting filters?
What’s the difference between hard and soft grads?
When should I use a wide angle adaptor ring?
Where can I buy your photographic products?
Where can I get a swatch
Where is my nearest Camera Filter dealer?
Where is my nearest Lighting Filter dealer?
Which system for my lens
Why am I not getting what I expected from my search?
Why does the LEE Field Pouch not take the Holder or adaptor rings?
Why is 82mm the largest Wide Angle Adaptor Ring?
Why is it if I am in List view and click back to Colour view there's only a few colours?
Wide Rolls
Will a Wide Angle Adpaptor Ring work on any lens?
Will my filters burn?
Your website refers to a Source C - what is Source C?